On Thursday, October 29, 2020, LCTA was informed that a Fixed Route bus operator had tested positive for COVID-19.  The operator last worked on Monday, October 26, 2020.  The Fixed Route Operator is currently self-isolating at home in accordance with the guidelines established by the state health department and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.

For reasons of privacy and confidentiality, we are not sharing the name of the employee directly impacted.  We are working with this employee to communicate the support available for a full recovery during this challenging time.

LCTA advises any customer who has concerns about potential exposure to follow the CDC guidelines and self-monitor for symptoms.  Anyone who begins to exhibit symptoms should contact their health care provider.  The Authority has notified its employees of the situation and instructed them on the steps they should take.

LCTA continues to take all appropriate steps including the daily disinfecting of buses as well as disinfecting all common areas that the COVID-positive employee may have come in contact with.

LCTA is an essential business according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Department of Health, providing life-sustaining services to the communities we serve.  LCTA will continue to encourage all employees and riders to practice good hygiene, report any health change immediately, wear a face/nose covering, and practice social distancing.