Text Messages
Get quick updates on arrival and departure times for any stop via text message!
myStop Portal
For all devices – including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices which are unable to install the myStop app – myStop is available as a web app:
myStop Mobile App
With the myStop app you can:
- Track Buses
- Plan Trips
- See All Routes in Detail
- Find Stops Closest to You
Arrival times are based on estimations of the current bus location. Buses that go off route (e.g. for a detour) will still be displayed on the map, but arrival times may not be adjusted until the bus returns to the regular route.
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Disclaimer: These apps are not made by the Luzerne County Transportation Authority (“The Authority”), and The Authority does not sell or license the apps. They are written by third parties unless otherwise noted. The Authority shall not be held responsible for the content of third party websites or any issue arising from the use of third party applications. The Authority neither endorses any third party products listed here nor makes any guarantees or representations as to accuracy or reliability. Proceed with care and understand any usage charges that may apply to you. The Authority reserves the right to remove/add applications listings without notice.