Updated Nov. 21, 2024
PRINTABLE PDF of SNOW ROUTES (all listed below)
When LCTA fixed route buses are on Snow Routes, LCTA CONNECTS microtransit service will operate roads as per driver discretion. Pick-ups and drop-offs should be able to be completed since there are no standard fixed routes and drivers can use alternate roads provided it is safe to do so.
If Fixed Route service is suspended or stopped, microtransit service will be suspended or stopped as well.
Shared Ride Paratransit Service will operate roads as per driver discretion. Clients may be called to verify pick-ups to avoid no-shows and unnecessary travel.
If Fixed Route service is suspended or stopped, Shared Ride paratransit service will be suspended or stopped as well.
When LCTA implements Snow Routes, the following media outlets will be notified:

Route 1 – Mohegan Sun via Miners Mills
SUMMARY: The bus will not use Main Street from East Elm St. to Johnson St.
OUTBOUND: From Main St., bus will turn right on East Elm, go left on North Washington, right on East Chestnut, left on N. Pennsylvania, and right on N. Washington St.
INBOUND: From N. Washington St., the bus will turn left on N. Pennsylvania Ave, right on E. Chestnut St., left on N. Washington St., right on East Elm St., and left on N. Main St.
Route 2 – Mohegan Sun via Hudson
SUMMARY: The bus will not use 1st St. from Cleveland St. to Main St.
OUTBOUND: From 1st St., the bus will turn right onto Cleveland, left on Mayock, and left on Main St.
INBOUND: From Main St., the bus will turn right on Mayock St., right on Cleveland St., and left on 1st St.
Route 3 – Heights / Northampton St.
Route 5 – Parsons
SUMMARY: The bus will not service Wilkes-Barre Technical School
OUTBOUND: From Jumper Road, the bus will turn right on East Mountain Blvd.
INBOUND: There are no changes from regular route.
Route 6 – Dallas / Misericordia University
SUMMARY: Bus will not use Pioneer Ave., Center St., or Main St. in Dallas.
OUTBOUND: The bus will stay on Route 309 and Route 415; it will not use Pioneer Ave., Center St., or Main St.; the bus will service Weis Markets and Misericordia University.
INBOUND: The bus will stay on Route 415 and Route 309; it will not use Pioneer Ave., Center St., or Main St.; the bus will service Weis Markets and Misericordia University.
Route 7 – Wilkes-Barre Walmart / Luzerne Shopping Center (North-South Connector)
Bus will not use Sherman / Meade and Northampton St. to Wilkes-Barre Blvd.
Bus will not use Pringle, Grove, or Evans Streets.
Bus will service Georgetown only to the W-B Twp. Firehouse on Watson St.
NORTHBOUND: The bus will not use Sherman and Northampton to W-B Blvd; it will stay on Coal Street to Wilkes-Barre Blvd., turn left on Wilkes-Barre Blvd., and right on Northampton St.
The bus will not use Pringle, Grove, or Evans Streets; instead, from Zerby Ave., the bus will turn right on Pringle St., left on Brook Ave., right on Division St., left on Railroad Ave., and left on Union to Luzerne Shopping Center.
SOUTHBOUND: The bus will not use Pringle, Grove, or Evans Streets; from Luzerne Shopping Center, the bus will use Union St., turn left on Railroad Ave., right on Division St., left on Brook Ave., right on Pringle St., and left on Zerby Ave. The bus will not use Northampton and Meade St.; from Northampton, it will turn left on Wilkes-Barre Blvd., then right on Coal St. The bus will service Georgetown to the W-B Twp. Firehouse; from Coal St., the bus will turn right on Campbell Collins, right on New Market St., left on Empire St., left on Northampton St., and right on Watson St. to W-B Twp. Firehouse.
Route 8 – Kingston / Luzerne / Swoyersville
Route 10 – Wyoming Valley Mall / VA Medical Center
Bus will not service Timber Ridge; it will start inbound after servicing the VA Hospital
Route 11 – Pittston / Plymouth (East West Connector)
The bus will not use Davenport, Shawnee, and Cherry Streets in Plymouth; the bus will start inbound after turning around at Family Dollar on Main Street.
Route 12 – West Side Mall / Edwardsville / Plymouth
The bus will not service Main, Jackson, State, or Washington Streets.; the bus will stay on Route 11 to Plymouth, and start inbound after turning around at Dollar General on Main Street.
Route 13 – Hanover Industrial Park / Ashley
Route 14 – Nanticoke / LCCC via Sans Souci Parkway
Bus will not service Lee Park Ave. from Oxford St. to Kings Road.
Bus will not service Buttonwood section.
In Nanticoke, the bus will not service Market St. to Washington St. on the Outbound Trip.
After LCCC, the bus sill not service Kosciuszko St. to Washington St. to Walnut St. on the Inbound Trip.
OUTBOUND: Bus will not service Lee Park Ave. from Oxford St. to Kings Road; instead, from Lee Park Ave., the bus will turn right on Oxford St. and left on the Sans Souci Parkway. Bus will not service Buttonwood section; instead, the bus will stay on the Sans Souci Parkway and will not use Main Street. In Nanticoke, the bus will not service Market St. to Washington St. on the Outbound Trip; instead, it will turn right on Green St., left on South Hanover St., left on Washington St. to Prospect St. and LCCC, and then turn around for reverse inbound at LCCC.
INBOUND: After LCCC, the bus sill not service Kosciuszko St. to Washington St. to Walnut St. on the Inbound Trip; instead, it will turn around at LCCC, turn right on Prospect St., right on Washington St., left on Walnut St., and left on Broad St. to Nanticoke Park. The inbound bus will not service Buttonwood section; instead it will stay on Sans Souci Parkway and will not use Main Street. The bus will not service Lee Park Ave. from Oxford St. to Kings Road; instead, it will stay on Sans Souci Parkway and make a right on Oxford St. to Lee Park Ave.
Route 15 – LCCC / Nanticoke via Main St.
Bus will not service Askam section.
Bus will not use Prospect from Washington to Broad St. on Outbound Trip.
Bus will not use Prospect to Washington St. on Inbound Trip.
OUTBOUND: Bus will not service Askam section; instead, it will stay on the South Valley Parkway; it will not use S. Main St. in Askam. Bus will not use Prospect from Washington to Broad St. on Outbound Trip; instead, after LCCC, it will turn right on Prospect St., right on Washington St., left on Walnut St., and left on Broad St. to Nanticoke Park.
INBOUND: Bus will not use Prospect to Washington St. on Inbound Trip; instead, from Market St., bus will turn right on Green St., left on Hanover St., left on Washington St. to Prospect St. and LCCC. Inbound bus will not service Askam section. Instead, it will stay on the South Valley Parkway and will not use S. Main St. in Askam.
Route 16 – Old Forge via River Road
Bus will not use Phoenix or Foote Ave.; the bus bus will stay on Main Street to and from Old Forge on both the Outbound and Inbound.
Route 17 – Scranton / VA Medical Center
Route 18 – Shoppers’ Delight
Route 19 – Pittston Geisinger Healthplex / CenterPoint / Grimes
Route 20 – Pittston / Hilldale
Route 20 will NOT RUN AT ALL when LCTA is on Snow Routes.